Write it on my heart that you do not measure holiness or godliness by our defective scales; You measure by how tuned our hearts are to Yours, and not by how successfully we manage to govern ourselves by biblical principles. The truth is, You alone hold the perfect scale and You alone know how to weigh the deep recesses of the heart.
Conversion does not somehow make the perceived ability to meet biblical standards a measure of true godliness. In Your more perfect economy, a humble and a contrite heart is of much more value. Self-righteousness, self-dependence, self-sufficiency will never be virtues.
Instead, You meet us where we are, Jesus, and are pleased to patiently work on us from the inside out.
Teach us then to stop judging one another or even comparing ourselves, for when we do this we are really just revealing our own lack of holiness - that we do not recognize our own sin as a terribly serious problem - and our own present alienation from the heart of God.
"Truly a revolutionary thought - that the roots of our common humanity might be found, not in our dignity or even our potential, but in our depravity." ~ Matt Jenson

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