What I learned...
1. Women are not self-sacrificial and should not put their lives on the line for Christ.
2. Being the bride of Christ is too feminine for men, despite what the Bible says about it. ( And why is it hard for these men to process being the bride of Christ? Because they look down on women).
3. Only women are inclusive, non-judgmental, tolerant, and sensitive (despite the fact that Jesus was all of this).
4. Women do not share in such "manly" virtues as clarity, reason, or sacrifice, and we women push the notion that these things are wrong.
5. Obviously, women are wish-washy and soft in their faith. We cannot be trusted with matters of faith and doctrine and must be protected by the more spiritually muscular man.
6. In addition, it is a woman's faith, not his own natural depravity, that causes a man to join gangs, use pornography, and lust for power and sex and domination.
By now I am feeling really good about myself as a woman, and I feel really confident in my capacities to make decisions and read my Bible without the help of a man.

1. Women are not self-sacrificial and should not put their lives on the line for Christ.
2. Being the bride of Christ is too feminine for men, despite what the Bible says about it. ( And why is it hard for these men to process being the bride of Christ? Because they look down on women).
3. Only women are inclusive, non-judgmental, tolerant, and sensitive (despite the fact that Jesus was all of this).
4. Women do not share in such "manly" virtues as clarity, reason, or sacrifice, and we women push the notion that these things are wrong.
5. Obviously, women are wish-washy and soft in their faith. We cannot be trusted with matters of faith and doctrine and must be protected by the more spiritually muscular man.
6. In addition, it is a woman's faith, not his own natural depravity, that causes a man to join gangs, use pornography, and lust for power and sex and domination.
By now I am feeling really good about myself as a woman, and I feel really confident in my capacities to make decisions and read my Bible without the help of a man.

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